Monday, March 26, 2012

Hanging out with BBA

This guy is really cute.  And good, too!  He didn't fuss one bit at the quilt we have high hopes he will be a quilting buddy!  A fellow fabric addict.

Here is his mom, my daughter, Victoria.

Achilles, aka BBA, always likes to test things out in his mouth.  Including the camera.    And, he is very adamant, insisting, and doesn't give up easily.  He also has an extreme grip.

I gave him a bath in the sink.  He had a blast.

I've been sewing and sewing.  Still in the stitching/piecing stage on three quilts.  I have another in the pipeline to start for Shelley,  and want to get together some travel work.  Steve and I are leaving for a road trip Thursday morning.

More later............
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Thursday, March 1, 2012


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He's 5 months old now.  We hung out at the cafe and counted toes.