Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Little Beady Things

Long Time, No Blogging!!!
I know it's not right to blame others for your own actions, but it's all Dianna's fault!!!

In October, my pal, Dianna, suggested we take a beading class together. In two short months, I am completely addicted. I DREAM about beads, colors, color combinations. No joke. I spend a lot of time and energy just on beads. Move over, fabric and sewing addiction. There's a new sickness in town!!!
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

City Greens Strikes Again!

Transforming a cold space into a warm, welcoming space.

One of my plant customers asked for some planters in their entry area.

You must look at the space carefully, and imagine what might look good there.

The possibilites are endless. Endless!

After a trip to the pottery yard to select containers, and a trip to the plant farm to select plants, and a trip to a store for dirt and drainage material, we arrive at the scene.

This is the finished product!

I was SO glad Steve helped me with this! Thanks, Stevie!!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Racing the Top Fuel bike in Las Vegas

I have NO photos of the racing part of our trip! Bob from RB Racing (a sponsor of the Competition Motorcycles team) was taking some neat photos and told me he would share our camera was left unused.

Except for our trip to Hoover Dam, where I remembered to take some snaps. Here is one looking towards the dam from the new bridge, and one of my Steve.

We had a fun trip and looking forward to the races there next November!

I haven't been in my sewing room for a week, and it is CALLING me.

Shelley's quilt is taking more shape. In my mind only, so far. Maybe tomorrow I will put my thoughts to fabric and design wall. Then again, maybe right now.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quilt Room - Today!

Here's what the design wall looks like right now.

There are two quilts happening at the same time here.

Shelley's on the right, and a string quilt on the left.

They are overlapping each other.

I don't want to go to work! I just want to work in MY quilt room!
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Steve's Quilt

My boyfriend, Steve, is an avid motorcyclist. He races Top Fuel Harleys, and collects little oil cans and t-shirts. He's really cute, and I love him very much. Oh, yes, he also builds these fast motorcycles, which travel along the race track at over 200 mph in just a few seconds. It is a science, this racing, and I'm still learning about it all the time. We'll be racing in Las Vegas the first weekend in November 2011.

I made this quilt for him from a collection of shirts he was saving. Shirts he liked, but didn't really wear.
He told me it is one of the best gifts he's ever received! Nice!!!!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Army National Guard Quilt...Finished!

I just finished the Army National Guard quilt made for Eula to give to her son, Troy, who served 12 years! I deconstructed a big pile of his army fatigues, and his duffle bag to make this quilt.

My son, Paul, couldn't look as I scissored into them. He could NOT see the point of tearing apart perfectly good camo clothing.

There are photos of Troy, his dad, and his grandfather, all who served in the US military. Also reproduced military certificates and badges Troy received.

Here is a close-up..........

I'm going to work on Shelley's super-colorful quilt for awhile before heading off to Seattle to water plants!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baby Achilles and some things I've made for him!

Here is a photo of myself holding BBA the day he was born. September 20, 2011. I have been in a creative flurry for months, making everything, and wanting to make more. I made a crow stencil for a onesie, and there is a photo of a close-up of his first real quilt from me, and a photo of the diaper bag I made for his mother. My daughter, Victoria.

I'm working on a quilt for a former member of the Army National Guard. Photos to come.......
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Monday, October 17, 2011

A sweater I knitted for Achilles

I hadn't knitted in years and years. This was a fun project to start up the knitting habit again. I'm now working on a cabled afghan, but who uses afghans? Oh well, I'm knitting it anyway!
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Friday, October 14, 2011

A Good Place To Start!


Cutest GrandSon in the Whole World!

I'll start off my blog with that. I must learn about making it look fantastic and fun.

Off to water plants in Seattle.
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